
Finance and resource development committee

This committee represents the backbone of the association’s physical building, as it conducts and controls all accounting operations and follows up all exchange tasks according to the decisions of the Board of Directors and documenting them, depositing, reviewing and auditing the accounting operations and proving this in its own files to document the work it does, and among its most important tasks:

  1. Collecting members' subscriptions, donations and financial contributions from their various sources (individuals and institutions) and monitoring them in the list of financial resources in the revenue records.
  2.       Opening the necessary accounts in banks as required by the interest.
  3.       Supervising the association's expenses, which are periodic payments, in addition to emergency aid to those who deserve it.
  4.       Submit financial reports to the Board of Directors.
  5.       Submitting the financial reports requested by the competent authorities.
  6.       Keep an amount for the necessary petty cash and document it.